DTrim Obesity Solution ori murah Dungun Terengganu

D'Trim.usa Obesity Solution

4 BOTOL RM 100

D'Trim.usa Obesity Solution
Masalah berat badan menjadi masalah umum dalam masyarakat kini, penyebab utamanya ialah faktor keturunan, kehamilan , pola makanan, ubat-ubatan dan lain-lain. elbagai cara telah dilakukan untuk menurunkan masalah berat badan seperti diet, bersukan, sedut lemak dan pengambilan bermacam-macam produk pelangsingan di pasaran....
Namun berat badan masih tidak turun malahan semakin gemuk dan yang lebih parah apabila gagal berdiet kerana tidak dapat mengawal selera makan. Bagi mengatasi masalah tersebut, kini muncul produk pelangsing terbaik dan cepat menurunkan berat badan iaitu .

Kebaikan D'trim
Tak perlu diet,menahan lapar & makan macam biasa
Tak perlu bersenam
Tiada cirit birit
Tiada Flabby
Membakar lemak 3x lebih berkesan
Meningkatkan Metabolisme
Mengandungi Alfalfa dan Vit C
100% Tiada kesan sampingan
Selamat Untuk ibu menyusu(utk baby yg dah berumur 6bln & keatas)
Berstatus Gmp
Sesuai untuk lelaki dan wanita
Memberi tenaga maksimum
Original dari usa
Penggunaan untuk sebulan
Dijamin bebas dari bahan chemical Sabrutamine
Harga Mampu,Jimat & Terbukti Berkesan

Isi Kandungan/Berat : 30 kapsul untuk 1 bulan (350mg capsul)

Mannitol, Grape Juice Powder, Blueberry Juice Powder, Inulin, Garcinia Cambogia, Guarana Extract, Bitter Orange Extract and Alfalfa Extract.

Cara makan : 1 kapsul sehari sebelum atau selepas sarapan.

Main Ingredients:

Inulin is a natural soluble dietary fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a gelatinous material. It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Inulin is also an effective prebiotic, stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. It increases the activity of the beneficial bacteria in the gut, by acting as a “food” for the good bacteria in your digestive system.

Garcinia Cambogia extract reduces the amount of carbohydrate that is converted to body fat.  It does this by blocking a key enzyme (ATP-citrate lyase) which otherwise acts as a key building block for fat synthesis.

Guarana extract plays an important role in weight loss program as it reduces appetite, making it much easier to eat less and lose weight comfortably. Guarana extract is the booster of our body metabolism and able to boost the process of fat burning.

Bitter Orange extract contains a number of natural alkaloids that safely increase weight loss. The amines in bitter orange extract stimulate the breakdown of fat and simultaneously cause the burning of calories. With the positive effect is boosts the metabolic rate, increasing daily calorie burn, helps to burn excess fat stores, releases dopamine, causing a “feel good” effect and increases energy levels.

Alfalfa is suggested to be a good cleanser and a natural diuretic. This versatile herb is also a folk remedy for joint stress, and is reputed to be an excellent appetite stimulant and overall tonic. It is useful in the support of urinary tract health including kidney, bladder and prostrate. It can be used to detoxify the body, especially the liver.

Direction of use:Consume 1 capsule (350mg) before breakfast. 

Mannitol, Grape Juice Powder, Blueberry Juice Powder, Inulin, Garcinia Cambogia, Guarana Extract, Bitter Orange Extract and Alfalfa Extract.

D'Trim Obesity Solution

4 BOTOL RM 100


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